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If you spot anything unusual at any of our waters please let us know so that we can take the appropriate action as quickly as possible.


December 2024 Newsletter

We hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to the Christmas holiday period, hopefully you will get some time for fishing and one of the pleasures of being a member is that you can go to your local water for just an hour or two if weather and other commitments allow.

As always, we are running the “Up to 3 months free” memberships so if you have any friends that would like to fish with you over the winter these are available from the usual outlets and on the club website. This ticket will give them access to our varied portfolio of waters until the end of March 2026! You all know this would make a great Christmas present for someone, and will last longer than many other Christmas presents.
Current members will have the option to renew their memberships for the 2025-26 season from mid- February 2025, and you will be very pleased to know that yet again we are not increasing our prices. We have offered this option of early renewal for a few years now and it has proved very successful, and it keeps our Hon. Treasurer very happy!
Please make sure you supply all the required information, either online or using the form, to avoid delays in receiving your membership.

We are still looking for someone to help with running the Junior match’s next season. These are already organised but we need someone to, at least, assist the current person but if you could take on the role fully that would be great. If you would like more information on this, please contact us at  
Also, on the match side of things, if anyone would be interested, we are happy to organise some beach fishing matches or just a friendly session, we know some of you go quite regularly so if you might be interested let us know.

As mentioned in September a new role we have had to put in place is that of Club Welfare Officer: -
“Let me introduce myself, my name is Janet Funnell, your welfare officer representing Crowborough and District Anglers Association.
I am not an angler myself, but have had many years of supporting the club with junior days and many other fundraising events.
My role is to assist with any welfare concerns you may have and I am available to all members in a confidential capacity and I act independently of the Committee.
We are guided by government guidelines and the Angling Trust to protect adults and children within our club.
More information on the guidelines can be found here:
We want to make sure all anglers have a positive and enjoyable experience while fishing and are protected from any issues of concern.
Please feel free to contact me, or my deputy Sandra Lawrence if you have any welfare concerns. If we are not able to resolve these for you, we can put you in touch with someone who can. We will follow up any concerns that are forwarded to another organisation on your behalf if requested.
We are very approachable and again I would like to confirm that you can speak to us in confidence knowing that any information you give to us is confidential.”  
Contact details for Janet:   07910 712937
and for Sandra:   07787 811335
These details can also be found on our website.

We are saddened to have to report that three of the big Carp in Mill House Farm Lake have recently died, these fish were quite old and we believe they succumbed to low oxygen levels caused by the combination of the dying weed and the recent storms. We were not alone as several other nearby clubs lost fish and again, all big and old Carp.

You may have noticed quite a bit of work going on at Scaland Wood these past few months. Firstly, we put in the platforms on pegs 1 & 2 and improved the path down to these pegs, this was funded by some very kind donations that were made specifically for this kind of improvement. We have also had contractors in to clear some of the ash trees that have suffered the “die back” disease and that were in danger of falling on to the car park, out in to the road and in to the water. We were fortunate that the contractors got this done just a couple of days before storm Darragh hit and also, they did it for the timber so we have not had to pay for this to be done so a good result all round for the club.

We are pleased to inform you that we have renewed our agreements with both Claygate Lakes and More House Farm for another year. Also just to remind you that if you fish More House Farm the “day ticket” price is £4 per session and that you cannot fish Claygate lakes during your first season as a CDAA member unless you purchase a day ticket at the venue and there is a restriction of five visits per season per member for those eligible to fish this venue.

We have been getting very mixed catch reports this year from all waters, except Oast Farm, but other clubs are reporting similarly so it would appear to be weather related rather than an issue with just our own waters. Even the match guys have had some poor catches at what would normally be considered “bagging” venues. We are still looking at stocking more fish when and where this is viable and these are likely to be better quality rather than the large numbers of small fish that we have stocked in the past.

We are still looking for volunteers to take on the role of Bailiff at some of our waters, to carry out day to day maintenance i.e. grass cutting. Also, it has been good to see some new faces at our work parties this season but we could still do with a few more to help spread the work load. We have the last one of this year at Scaland Wood on the 15th Dec so if you are free pop down, we will be there from 9am till about midday. The work parties will then resume in March.

Dates for your diary –
AGM will be held on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 at the Social Club
Family weekend at Pennybridge – date TBA
Further details will be available on the club website and Facebook page in due course.

Finally, as always, please contact us with any news or suggestions you have.
We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year.

From your committee.

Chairmans corner:
Fishing licence.
A couple of young boys were fishing at their special pond off the beaten track. Suddenly the bailiff jumped out of the bushes.
Immediately, one of the boys threw his rod down and started running through the woods like a bat out of hell. The bailiff was hot on his heels. After about half a mile the young boy stopped and stooped over with his hands on his thighs to catch his breath, and the bailiff finally caught up to him.
“Let’s see yer fishin’ licence Boy!” the bailiff gasped.
With that, the boy pulled out his wallet and gave the bailiff a valid fishing licence.
“Well son,” said the bailiff. “You must be about as dumb as a box of rocks! You don’t have to run from me if you have a valid licence!”
“Yes, sir,” replied the young lad. “But my friend back there, well, he doesn’t have one.”

Club branded clothing is still available from so if you are stuck for an Xmas present idea this might be the solution. Or if you already have an item but would like to have a CDAA logo on it these can be purchased here

September 2024 Newsletter


Welcome to our latest newsletter at the end of the summer that never was, having been one of the coolest and wettest for some years now. Due to the weather, catch reports have been very mixed over the past few months which would be worrying except for it seems it is not only our waters that have been affected. We have also had predation issues at several waters and those of you that have been to Underhill, or visit our Facebook page, will have seen that we are trialling a couple of bird scarers here. If these work then we will be purchasing more and setting them up at other waters, and if they continue to do their job then we will be in a position to look at doing some restocking as, we are sure you will agree, there is no point in us spending your money stocking new fish for those fish to then be eaten within a few weeks!


One gripe for this newsletter, we have had issues with gates being left unlocked and worse still actually left open. As there are animals at more than one of our waters this is taken very seriously and we do not want to be getting more phone calls from owners about this issue, so if you have to unlock and open a gate then please close and lock it again after you have passed through.


We held a family weekend over the weekend of August 17th/18th at Pennybridge. This was very successful as we had 49 people on the Saturday and 64 on the Sunday, all tried their hand at fishing with almost all of them managing to catch including some nice Crucians and Tench. We hope to do the same next year with a few tweaks to make it run a bit smoother.


One of those tweaks will be to have more volunteers helping out over the weekend but we also need more help with things like grass cutting and general tidying of our waters on a regular basis as well as at the work parties. If you could spare a few hours every month, particularly March to October, we would love to hear from you as we are a bit thin on the ground and struggling to keep on top of the day-to-day maintenance of our waters and we do not want to be spending your money on expensive contractors when we could, and should, be spending it on improving the waters and the fishing. Also, if you think you would like to be involved in helping make decisions on how things are run, we are always open to having new (preferably younger) members on the committee to move the club forward.


In the June newsletter we mentioned Asian Hornets, these are still about so please take a look at this link and if you spot one of these do not kill it but report it, the reason for not killing it is that it can then be tracked back to its nest.
Also we mentioned the Argulus parasite at Mill House Farm, we are pleased to report that the infestation is not as bad as we first feared and we will continue to monitor this until the water temperature drops.
Another problem that is around at the moment is KHV, a couple of waters in Kent are currently under restrictions by the Fish Health Inspectorate. Due to this we have banned the use of keepnets on all of our waters, except in club organised matches where the nets are all inspected to ensure they are dry before being put in the water. Obviously, we cannot ban landing nets so please ensure you let them dry completely (preferably in the sun) between uses as KHV has a 90%+ mortality rate in Carp and we do not want that to happen at any of our waters, this ban will remain in place until November.
While on the subject of fish health we would ask that all anglers use unhooking mats to protect the fish, as even putting them on damp grass in a landing net can still cause damage, and consider carrying an antiseptic spray for use on any obvious injuries  on the fish you catch. These sprays can be bought for less than a fiver but might save a fish from dying so well worth having.


We have been getting more reports from members since we asked for these in the June newsletter and some have been quite critical, which as far as we are concerned is great and has let us know what you feel is wrong and we will endeavour to get these things resolved or improved. We are continuing with our water quality testing program and doing what is required when the results indicate corrective action is needed. Once we are satisfied that a water is ready, we will then look at if it needs, or can take, an increase in the stocking level, but please appreciate it is not just a case of chucking a load of new fish in a water and hoping it will be ok as if it is not (like the predation issue mentioned earlier), we will just be throwing your money away and not improve the fishing. On the positive side we have had reports of a 17lb Mirror Carp being caught from Scaland Wood by young member Josh and Matthew letting us know of his 3lb 8oz Perch caught at Pennybridge.


In the June newsletter we mentioned we were going to build two proper platforms at Scaland Wood on pegs 1 & 2 and resurface the path from the car park, this will now happen on the 3rd-5th of October. The lake will be closed to everyone on these dates due to the heavy machinery that will be onsite and moving about, particularly in the car park area and entrance as we have to replace a gate post and resurface the entrance.


Club Welfare Officer (CWO) – as mentioned 3 months ago we now have a CWO and assistant and they have completed the required course and are now drawing up a policy for us. When this is done full details of how to contact either Janet or Sandra, should you need to, will be available on our website, social media and in our December newsletter.


Juniors – we are coming to the end of our junior season with one more match on the 21st September being the First Diesel Junior/Senior Challenge Cup. Despite the weather it has been a successful campaign for the youngsters this year and we hope this will continue again next season so if you know of any youngsters who would like to fish matches let them know they are welcome to come along. The match dates for next season will hopefully be on the website sometime in December.


On the subject of new members, we will be doing our usual half price, mid-season, memberships from October 1st so if you have a relative or friend who might like to join us and fish our waters until March 31st 2025 point them our way, please.


As you are probably already aware there are several ways of contacting us but can we just point out that the quickest ways of getting a response are either Facebook messenger or email at the moment. If it is an emergency and you call our number this has a message giving you another number to call as the club phone is only checked each evening for any messages or missed calls.


Best wishes & tight lines on behalf of the CDAA committee. 


Chairmans corner:

A man went fishing one day. He looked over the side of his boat and saw a snake with a frog in its mouth. Feeling sorry for the frog, he reached down, gently took the frog from the snake, and set the frog free.
But then he felt sorry for the snake. He looked around the boat, but he had no food. All he had was a bottle of bourbon. So, he opened the bottle and gave the snake a few shots.
The snake went off happy, the frog was happy, and the man was happy to have performed such good deeds. He thought everything was great until about ten minutes later, and he heard something knock against the side of the boat. With stunned disbelief, the fisherman looked down and saw the snake was back with two frogs!

June 2024 Newsletter


Welcome to the start of another season at CDAA, well we are actually already nearly three months in.


Our 2024 AGM on the 23rd April went very well with 35 attendees and the raffle raised £232, which was quite a result!
This year we said thank you and goodbye to Cliff who has been our Hon. Treasurer for the past ten years. Cliff is moving out of the area but while he is still with us, he is handing over the financial reins to Gloria Dallinger who will be looking after the association’s finances going forward. Cliff is leaving us in a very healthy financial position thanks to his guidance which also received a big helping hand when our income was boosted by the increase in membership due to Covid. Once again, thank you Cliff and we wish you well in the next phase of your life.


Litter – this is becoming a regular gripe once again with a couple of our riparian owners so please, take it home with you or we could lose some of our fishing!


Asian Hornets – please take a look at this link and if you spot one of these do not kill it but report it, the reason for not killing it is that it can then be tracked back to its nest.
Argulus – If you have been fishing at Mill House Farm recently you will have noticed some black pipes have appeared sticking out of the water around the lake. This is because we have had reports of the argulus parasite being found on some of the fish caught earlier this year.

The parasite lays its eggs on any hard substrate (the black pipes) and these are then removed from the water to dry out and therefore kill the eggs breaking the reproduction cycle. We don’t think the infestation is particularly bad but if we allow it to continue unchecked it will affect the health of the fish stock and then our fishing.


While on the subject of reporting things do remember that if you spot any illegal activity to contact either the Police or the EA. Sussex police have a very good Rural Crime team and you can find out more about them here
And don’t forget you can let us know if you spot anything that you think doesn’t look right at any of our waters. We still need your reports so that we can gauge how we are doing, how the waters are fishing and if we need to check a water out for any issues. We need your thoughts, even when critical, to help us improve things.

And speaking of improvements we are going to build two proper platforms on pegs 1 & 2 at Scaland Wood as well as resurfacing the path from the car park to these pegs. Keep an eye on our website and social media for when this is going to happen, but we hope September at the latest.

Also, we were asked at the AGM if we could consider stocking some bigger fish into some of our waters, over the past few years we have stocked over a thousand small fish which are now growing on. This is being looked into but we have to be very careful as last time we did this, at Scaland Wood several years ago now, we lost quite a few fish as the additions upset the balance in that water so we are currently doing some tests to see which waters could be suitable.


Family weekend – on the 17th & 18th August we are holding back-to-back Have a go Days so if you know of anyone that would like to give fishing a go then let them know, or even bring them along. This event is free, open to everyone and we will have three Angling Trust coaches and all equipment, bait etc will be provided.


Exchange books – just to remind you we do have a book exchange running with both Haywards Heath & District Angling Society and Ouse Angling Preservation Society. More details can be found on our website


Club Welfare Officer (CWO) – the club has been advised to appoint a CWO and we are very grateful that Janet Funnell has agreed to take on this role with Sandra Lawrence willing to assist her. This position is to assist with the safeguarding and protecting of children, young people and vulnerable adults who are members or non-members attending any of our events. Janet & Sandra are soon to attend a course that they are required to take before they can fulfil this role and when they have, we will let you know how you can contact them directly should you need to.


If you would like to contact us at any time, you can email, or message us on our Facebook page. If you have provided us with your email address when you joined, you may like to add ours to your address book (, and this will ensure that you receive any updates promptly. There is also the general enquiries phone number which is 07873 322562. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.



Best wishes & tight lines on behalf of the CDAA committee. 

March 2024 Newsletter


Welcome to our last newsletter of the 2023-24 season.


You will find your renewal form on the reverse of this letter.

Please continue to support us by re-joining, we appreciate your continued loyalty to us.

Great news in the current financial circumstances is that for another year there are no increases to the membership fees.

Once completed, post to Sandra Lawrence, Butterflies, Eridge Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2SP, and please enclose a self-addressed and stamped envelope.

You can also re-join at one of our outlets or online from 24th February through the website.  If you joined us recently on the “3 months free” option you do not need to complete the renewal form as your 2024-25 season membership card will be posted out to you mid-March.

Our 2024 AGM will go ahead as usual on the 23rd April at the Crowborough Social Club and this year there will be a slight change to the format as we will be presenting the Junior awards as the fourth item on the agenda, we hope this will encourage more of the juniors to attend as they will no longer have to stay for the whole evening before receiving their prizes.  Speaking of younger members, if you would like to have a say on how things are run, we are in need of some younger representation on the Committee, and by younger we mean anyone under 60, which is currently the average age of your Committee!


We have been getting more reports from members this season and it is very much appreciated as it is how we can gauge how we are doing, how the waters are fishing and if we need to check a water out for any issues. We need your thoughts, even when critical, to help us improve things.

Also, if you think you might have caught a new “known best” remember to check the waters pages of our website as that is where the most up to date information can be found before contacting us as the handbooks are only printed once a year and can easily be out of date.

If you would like to contact us at any time, you can email, or message us on our Facebook page. If you have provided us with your email address when you joined, you may like to add ours to your address book (, and this will ensure that you receive any updates promptly. There is also the general enquiries phone number which is 07873 322562. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


Finally, we would like to thank you for being a member and hope you have enjoyed fishing our waters and will be joining us for another season.  We look forward to seeing you at the AGM and on the bank later in the year.


Best wishes & tight lines on behalf of the CDAA committee. 

December 2023 Newsletter


We hope you are all keeping as well as you can and looking forward to the Christmas holiday period, hopefully you will get some time to get out on the bankside to. One of the pleasures of being a member is that you can go to your local water for just an hour or two without feeling you have wasted your money buying a day ticket.


As in previous years we are running the “Up to 3 months free” memberships so if you have any friends that would like to fish with you over the winter these are available from the usual outlets and on the club website. This ticket will give them club fishing opportunities until the end of March 2025! This would also make a great Christmas present for someone, and will last longer than most Christmas gifts.

Current members will have the option to renew their memberships for the 2024-25 season from mid- February 2024, and you will be very pleased to know that once again we are not increasing our prices. We have offered this service for a couple of years now and it has proved very successful, and it keeps our Hon. Treasurer very happy!


A role that we really need help with is running the Junior match’s next season. These are already organised but we need someone to, at least, assist the current person but if you could take on the role fully that would be great. If you would like more information on this, please contact us at


A new role which we have had to put in place is that of Club Welfare Officer. This role is all to do with safeguarding and making sure we have someone in place to ensure we are doing all we can to protect our “vulnerable” members. We are very thankful that we already have someone willing, able and with some experience of what is required to take this on, and she is already known to a number of you so we welcome Janet Funnell. Janet’s contact details will be available to the membership in due course as she will be the point of contact should you have any issues that you feel come under her remit as this role is independent of the committee.


A couple of minor issues we have are firstly the parking at Oast Farm, please do not park in the shop/café car park but use the “layby” beside the lake. This is particularly important on Saturdays when the shop & café are often very busy. Secondly when joining/renewing your membership please ensure you provide all the required details, particularly if you are signing up someone other than yourself or adding others as well as yourself, this saves us having to contact you to obtain those details as they are required for us to accurately maintain our membership database (which is covered by the GDPR 2018) so that we can contact any member should the need arise.


You will be pleased to know that we have renewed our agreements with both Claygate Lakes and More House Farm for another year, but please note that from January 1st 2024 if you fish More House Farm the “day ticket” price has increased to £4.


We are now getting a few more reports of how the waters are fishing from members which is great news even when it is not so good because this lets us know that there may be an issue that needs investigation.
We have had a new “known best” Common Carp of 14lb 6oz recently caught at Scaland Wood, this hopefully shows that we did the right thing in installing the permanent aerator here. We have also had a report of a good Mirror Carp coming from Underhill that had been caught nine months earlier weighing nearly 5lb less, this indicates that the liming we are carrying out there is improving the natural food base which is backed up by the fact that nearly all of the catch reports we are getting from this water, the anglers were using natural type baits.


Once again can we ask that if you are able to please let us know that you are available for work parties as too few people are having to do the work, these are often quite a laugh and more hands make light work. If you are interested in taking on the role of Bailiff at any of our waters, to carry out day to day maintenance i.e. grass cutting, then please do contact us so we can chat about what is involved. We do not do any heavy work at scheduled working parties as this is carried out at other times by either contractors or specific teams with the right abilities. We have the last one of this year at Scaland Wood on the 17th Dec so if you are free pop down, we will be there from 9am till about midday. The work parties will then resume in March.


Club branded clothing is still available from so if you are stuck for an Xmas present idea this might be the solution. Or if you already have an item but would like to have a CDAA logo on it these can be purchased here


Dates for your diary –

AGM will be held on 23rd April 2024 at the Social Club

Family day/weekend at Pennybridge – date TBA

Further details will be available on the club website and Facebook page in due course.


Finally, as always, please contact us with any news or suggestions you have.

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From your committee.

Tribute to Roger Funnell


With great sadness we have to inform you of the passing of Roger Funnell last month.


His funeral will take place on Friday 16th September at 2:30pm and will be held at St. Michael & all Angels Church, Withyham. All are welcome to attend and after the service everyone is invited to the wake being held at the Crowborough Community Centre.
Details of the service and directions to the church can be found here
along with how you may make a donation in Rogers’s memory. His chosen charity is the Saxonbury Surgery in Croft Road, Crowborough.
Dress code for the funeral is to wear whatever you feel comfortable in.


The list of things he has done for the club over the years would take far too long to list so here is just a snapshot.

Many of you will have known Roger recently as the person who ran the matches as this was his most recent role within our Association, but if you go back he was the powerhouse behind the planning and construction of Pennybridge Lake in Crowborough and it was the first water to be constructed with funding from the National Lottery thanks to his efforts.
We were one of the first clubs to have a website back when building a website was no mean feat, and Roger was self taught making it an even more daunting achievement, we also became one of the first to use email. Although Roger relinquished his role as Publicity Officer back in 2011 he continued to assist with the website, particularly when it had to be completely redone from scratch in early 2019 which looked like being a huge task with all the tables of historical information looking like they were going to have to be typed out individually until Roger found a way that the existing ones could have their data copied into excel and then be loaded onto the new site, this saved hours of work and summed up Roger’s dogged determination and ability to solve problems.

Crowborough & District Anglers Association also has a long history of encouraging youngsters into the sport/hobby and yet again this was headed up by Roger, particularly with the annual Junior Days held at Pennybridge alongside the match series run especially for our younger members.

Ever since the opening of Pennybridge lake he had taken it upon himself to carry out the day to day maintenance of this very popular water but he also still found time to regularly turn up to work party’s at our other waters, provided they did not clash with his matches. This water will be his lasting legacy to both the club and the local community.

Speaking of matches, each year he would book, organise and fish the Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday match series doing the pegging and weigh in, plus sorting the all important pool and payouts which he unfortunately rarely won but that never worried him as he was happy just to have competed and been able to help others to enjoy the sport/hobby he so loved himself.


Rest in peace Roger, you are going to be very much missed.



Rogers swim.jpg

Tribute to Mr Peter Boorman our President



It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing, last month, of Mr Peter Boorman who was our President for the last 21 years.


It is doubtful that anyone has given as much time to our club as Peter had, with 53 years’ service on the Committee and many years previously as a club member.  Pete was always a steady presence at the helm, often guiding but never pressuring and more than willing to offer advice using his vast experience of both angling and running his own very successful business.

We all have fond memories of Pete who always had time to lend an ear or pass on some little bit of knowledge that would help you catch more or bigger fish, and some of us can remember being taken “under his wing” when we were young junior members particularly on the coach trips to fish the River Rother at Newenden.


The funeral will be held at All Saints Church, Crowborough on the 27th July at 12:30pm and several of our Committee members will attend to represent Crowborough & District Anglers Association.


The family have asked that if anyone wishes to make a donation they please use the link below as the two charities chosen were close to both Peter and his wife Sue (who sadly passed away just a few hours prior to Pete) and/or you may choose to leave a tribute which the family will see.



Rest in Peace Peter, your passing is a great loss to both our club and the local community.


Below are pictures of Pete with Cris Millis (our Chairman) when they were both presented with gifts from the club for their 20 years service in their respective roles and also Pete with Dave Cottington at our 2022 AGM in April.






































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