Day Memberships and Guest Memberships
Guest Memberships are available for various Association waters as designated and subject to terms and conditions published in newsletters by the Executive Committee.
The waters currently available are Pennybridge, Scaland Wood, Underhill, Wirgol, Mill House Farm, Oast Farm
and Eridge Stream.
Guest tickets are restricted to two per fully paid-up member per day.
Junior guests are subject to the same condition as junior members.
Prices are as follows:
Guest Memberships
Seniors and OAP’s £6
Juniors (12-18) £4
Day Memberships
Pennybridge, Underhill, Scaland Wood and Oast Farm.
Seniors and OAP’s £6
Juniors (12-18) £4
Guest Memberships and Day Memberships can be obtained from:
Crowborough Tackle – 01892 667671
Crowborough Shoe Repairs - 01892 668076
Hooked on Green (Uckfield) - 01825 760139
during normal opening hours
Day/Guest Memberships are also available from Oast Farm shop and online.